Wow, it's been a while since I have posted here - January, didn't realise it had been so long.
As usual plenty has been happening and I will start adding a few posts to catch up with the previous 5 months!
Well, on DNN Creative we have a few things planned but first of all lets outline some of the topics that we have recently covered:
Issue 21 – Site and Event Logs, Scheduler, FAQ, and Media Modules
Issue 20 – Installing DotNetNuke 4.5 and XHTML Compliance
Issue 19 – XHTML Compliant DotNetNuke 4.4 and Upgrading
Issue 18 – DotNetNuke and Blogging
Issue 17 – DotNetNuke Portals
Issue 16 – Skinning Troubleshooting, Vendors, Banners, and Affiliates
Today we have just released the June issue 21 so there is plenty to have a look at.
In issue 20 we broke through the 200 videos barrier and now at issue 21 we are at 214 videos! - I can't believe that I have created so many video tutorials and that we are already up to issue 21.
Since January I have been working on a new skin design for DNN Creative, it is a pure CSS, sIFR based skin. - The design is complete and currently I am applying the skin to a localhost test version of DNN Creative.
Unfortunately as I am doing the switch from tables to pure CSS I am having to manually go into each page and re-code each page which is taking a lot longer than I hoped. - Future skin re-designs should be much easier though as the site will be correctly structured with CSS.
Here's a demo image of the Home Page from the localhost test area, this is pure CSS, notice the headings are using sIFRv3 so I can use any font I wish, the page is scalable, has a print version, is semantically coded, the main content is placed at the top of the source code and the site is XHTML transitional compliant, let me know what you think,
As usual plenty has been happening and I will start adding a few posts to catch up with the previous 5 months!
Well, on DNN Creative we have a few things planned but first of all lets outline some of the topics that we have recently covered:
Issue 21 – Site and Event Logs, Scheduler, FAQ, and Media Modules
Issue 20 – Installing DotNetNuke 4.5 and XHTML Compliance
Issue 19 – XHTML Compliant DotNetNuke 4.4 and Upgrading
Issue 18 – DotNetNuke and Blogging
Issue 17 – DotNetNuke Portals
Issue 16 – Skinning Troubleshooting, Vendors, Banners, and Affiliates
Today we have just released the June issue 21 so there is plenty to have a look at.
In issue 20 we broke through the 200 videos barrier and now at issue 21 we are at 214 videos! - I can't believe that I have created so many video tutorials and that we are already up to issue 21.
Since January I have been working on a new skin design for DNN Creative, it is a pure CSS, sIFR based skin. - The design is complete and currently I am applying the skin to a localhost test version of DNN Creative.
Unfortunately as I am doing the switch from tables to pure CSS I am having to manually go into each page and re-code each page which is taking a lot longer than I hoped. - Future skin re-designs should be much easier though as the site will be correctly structured with CSS.
Here's a demo image of the Home Page from the localhost test area, this is pure CSS, notice the headings are using sIFRv3 so I can use any font I wish, the page is scalable, has a print version, is semantically coded, the main content is placed at the top of the source code and the site is XHTML transitional compliant, let me know what you think,
Labels: dnn, dotnetnuke